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Silent Band Practice - Part One

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    Zachary Jarnagin

I live in an apartment. I play rock and roll. I do not want to upset my neighbors/be evicted. What am I to do?

A Silent Band Practice

We live in the future! We have the technology to play silently thanks to DAWs, audio interfaces, headphones, etc. Let's use these things to practice... silently!

The Idea

silent practice diagram

The idea is quite simple. Everyone plugs into an audio interface which is connected to a Mac running a DAW (Logic Pro X for me) and connects their headphones to a headphone amplifier/splitter.

The Gear

  • Interface: Focusrtie 18i8
  • Headphone Splitter/Amp: Mackie HM-4
  • Computer: Mac Mini M2 Pro
  • DAW: Logic Pro


The drums are connected to the interface via MIDI and use the Superior Drummer 3 plugin (or lighter weight plugin if latency is too high) that is running in Logic Pro.


The guitar and bass are connected directly to the interface via a 1/4" instrument jack and use an amp simulation plugin.


Again, the vocal microphone is connected directly to the interface. The plugins will likely depend on what the singer wants for playback.

Logic Pro & Computer

Logic Pro will be running on my Mac Mini M2. Hopefully the latency will be kept to a minimum. The Logic Pro project will ideally be recording the inputs throughout the rehearsal for later playback/demo tapes. Ideally, a metronome can also be enabled and disabled and we can control the levels for monitoring.

Part Two...

Part Two - the results - coming soon!